I’ve decided to live a more cinematic life. I think I’d gain a lot more enjoyment out of every day knowing my life could be filmed any moment and make a good movie. So now I’ve embraced a few new things in my life and flagged situations with great cinematic potential. It is my pleasure to share with you... how to live a cinematic life.
1. Kiss your overhead ceiling lights goodbye.
Lamps look much better in the rooms of your house, obscuring dirt and mess in addition to hiding blemishes and age lines. I recommend lamps to those living alone, coming-of-age or investigating unsolved mysteries. Cinematic brownie points if you use the lamp to club Benicio del Toro 21 Grams-style*.
Lamps look much better in the rooms of your house, obscuring dirt and mess in addition to hiding blemishes and age lines. I recommend lamps to those living alone, coming-of-age or investigating unsolved mysteries. Cinematic brownie points if you use the lamp to club Benicio del Toro 21 Grams-style*.
2. Wear sunglasses any time you are outside during the day.
You will see the world in deliciously enhanced colour and be able to do this should you see someone or -thing not as cool as you. Cinematic brownie points if your sunglasses will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

3. Outfit your keyring with as many non-descript keys as possible.
Hurrying to get inside to use the toilet or watch Masterchef will be just that bit more thrilling. Cinematic brownie points for provoking nearby crack addicts (there are always a few) as you fumble with your keys.
You will see the world in deliciously enhanced colour and be able to do this should you see someone or -thing not as cool as you. Cinematic brownie points if your sunglasses will self-destruct in 5 seconds.
Hurrying to get inside to use the toilet or watch Masterchef will be just that bit more thrilling. Cinematic brownie points for provoking nearby crack addicts (there are always a few) as you fumble with your keys.
These are just some small ways you can live like me and those revered stars on the silver screen. There are of course further, more extreme situations you can create for yourself. For instance....

You don’t want damned hair continuity errors plaguing Senor Spielbergo in the cutting room. You will also find the people around you will be less distracted by your wayward locks and more engrossed in your coffee order. Cinematic brownie points if you use hairspray to mask pesky reflections off windows and television screens.
Has someone confided in you recently? Ever been trusted with your workplace’s safe combination or grandparents’ security alarm code? Be sure to send any confidential information you have as a cipher to a children’s puzzle magazine. Cinematic brownie points if decryption of the code threatens national security.

7. Flirt with danger.
See a cop car or bunch of thugs? Stop by them, smile knowingly/insult their mothers, then flee. With any luck they’ll make chase. Go via Chinatown or some gypsy markets and be sure to knock over nearby bins and trolleys to lie as obstacles in their path. Cinematic brownie points if the chase makes it to the roof tops.
See a cop car or bunch of thugs? Stop by them, smile knowingly/insult their mothers, then flee. With any luck they’ll make chase. Go via Chinatown or some gypsy markets and be sure to knock over nearby bins and trolleys to lie as obstacles in their path. Cinematic brownie points if the chase makes it to the roof tops.
8. Become a road obstruction.
Is that friend of yours still hounding you to help him transport that large pane of glass downtown, to that street location rife with fire hydrants and prams full of cans? I implore you, deny him no longer. Man that glass pane and heed these words: park opposite the building you’re taking it into; avoid pedestrian crossings and carry it perpendicular to the road with one of you walking backwards. You never know just when a high speed car chase will come swerving down your street. Cinematic brownie points for not breaking the pane of glass / causing the permanent disabling of Jason Statham.
Is that friend of yours still hounding you to help him transport that large pane of glass downtown, to that street location rife with fire hydrants and prams full of cans? I implore you, deny him no longer. Man that glass pane and heed these words: park opposite the building you’re taking it into; avoid pedestrian crossings and carry it perpendicular to the road with one of you walking backwards. You never know just when a high speed car chase will come swerving down your street. Cinematic brownie points for not breaking the pane of glass / causing the permanent disabling of Jason Statham.
9. And finally, always be down the hall and to the left of a room of importance.
That way when people ask for directions, you can reply, “It’s down the hall and to the left”. Cinematic brownie points if ninjas are hiding inside the room.
*Studies show he is more likely to stealthily break into your home if you have Magnum ice cream in your freezer... He can’t keep away.
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